Dear parents, carers and visitors,
I am delighted to welcome you to our website and to the wonderful community at Austrey C of E Primary School. At Austrey we are a warm, caring and supportive community of children, staff, governors and parents and everyone is welcome here. Our school begins with Reception through to Year 6 and we have about 95 children across all 4 of our classes. As we are set in beautiful countryside, our classes are named after British birds. Our Reception children are taught as a single age group in Wagtails class, Year 1 and 2 are taught in a mixed aged class and are called Robins, Year 3 and 4 are Owls and Y5 and 6 are Kingfishers.
There is an independently run nursery and pre-school building on site called Hummingbirds, enabling staff from both settings to work closely together for the benefit of the children. We have a well established induction programme in place which ensures that the children transferring to us from pre-school settle in quickly. We are a Church of England school and our vision, values and core beliefs around education all have our Christian faith at their heart.
We also have strong links with Polesworth High School, where most of our children transfer to for Year 7. These links and transition activities ensure the year 6 children are well prepared for their move to the High School.
Our school belongs to the Birmingham Diocesan Multi Academy Trust (BDMAT) and we are firmly aligned with their vision that our children should experience ‘life in all its fullness’. For us, this means ensuring that our children thrive academically, socially and pastorally and that they have wide-reaching experiences that make them aware of, and excited by, their local area as well as the wider world around them. We want our children to experience joy and wonder and we strive for them to be eager, inquisitive learners who live by our core values every day.
Our school is in the heart of the village of Austrey in the northernmost point of Warwickshire not far from Twycross Zoo and the towns of Atherstone and Tamworth and although our village is small we aim high. We have a reputation for excellent sporting achievements, varied extra-curricular opportunities and great pastoral and SEND support. We are very proud of the offer we provide for the children in our community.
I hope that you find all of the information you need on our website, but please do get in touch if there is anything else we can do to support you.